Sci-Fi Ederlezi Ébredése

Sci-Fi Ederlezi Ébredése


director=Lazar Bodroza

user Ratings=8,1 / 10 stars

Audience Score=595 vote

Writed by=Dimitrije Vojnov




A.i. rising movie. Usually I can review a movie in one short sentence, but now when I am faced with the task of reviewing this one in particular I couldn't think of much. Except "space. and I am not referring to the location of the movie itself.
This movie dealt with a very interesting topic of what it means to be human, both in the meaning of one's existence and the interactions that form what and who we are. And that could be exploited in depth but it wasn't, unfortunately. One could expect more drama from this topic, more emotion - mostly desperation, and of course more dialogue that spurs out of this desperation.
In the first part of the movie I expected to see more frustration with the boundaries that limit an android in it's interaction with a live human being that would ultimately lead a human to take a big risk to change the android. In the other part of the movie, after the change, we could have seen more drama and desperation caused by this change, but it fell flat on this. We got a very mellow story, but a story nevertheless.
If you take a great movie that deals with the exact topic. Her" and compare the drama of it to this one, you can exactly see what I am trying to describe. Or for instance the episode S02E01 "Be right back" of "Black Mirror" where a late loved one can be brought back as an android. Or even the book "Solaris" which I could notice a slight homage to throughout the movie.
Even at one point where you can see a detailed retina one can get reminded of the intro of the "Westworld" series, even the music score at that point is very reminiscent of that series. Westworld is also a good example of this topic exploited to some extent.
On the other hand the visuals were very satisfying as well as the musical score. They reminded me a bit of "The Fountain" which is also a good example of the artistic visuals and a deep philosophical story. But that's it. It's just space.
What was a bit of annoying for me is the design of the ship. If this vessel was a part of the rocket and set free after entering the orbit that would be scientifically accurate. The vessel as it was could not withstand the friction of the atmosphere. Also you don't launch a rocket 90 degrees up (well yeah at the first moment of the liftoff) it should enter the orbit in an angle, this was necessary to be portrayed if this vessel will use gravitational slingshoting further on. But this was not the goal of the story, so I left it be.
Also the whole vessel interior was very small and ridiculously organised. (I understand why though) But a window positioned to look in between the back motors made no sense. br> Also a big question that arises is if Milutin took shorter voyages before but alone, what was he doing to pass the time? In that small interior there was nothing to do.
This movie has a generous 8 stars from me (deserves 7 at best) since it is a first of its genre made in Serbia. I believe it took a tremendous effort to do all this and great enthusiasm of its creators. I salute them for it and I hope many movies like this to come, and even better of course.

A.i. rising movie reviews. A.i rising subtitle.


A.i. rising rotten tomatoes. Review a.i. rising. A.i. rising soundtrack.


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